Our customers are deleting Signal messenger! We did not expect such signals.

Our customers are deleting Signal messenger! We did not expect such signals.

An extraordinary event happened 10 days ago. One of our largest customers reported that he had uninstalled Signal messenger from all of his employees’ devices. Without explanation, he demanded that the ability to install it from the Mactrix app store be disabled.

We previously told you that we were rebuilding Telegram and Signal for security reasons. And only then customers can install it on their phones.

Therefore, our development team leader was surprised, to put it mildly. He urgently launches a test of our version of Signal. 70 hours of searching – 0 bugs. 

We got lucky. After a few days of silence to our inquiries, the big client replied: I know exactly about the leak from Signal to certain services. 


So what to do? 

We internally thought Signal was safe. Our Team lead literally preaches the value of open sourse solutions for certain areas. And of course Signal was taken apart into molecules. The opinion of public figures had some weight too. 

Even in such projects, the problem is that it is possible to put a backdoor. As Pavel Durov warned about: “The encryption of Signal (=WhatsApp, FB) was funded by the US Government. I predict a backdoor will be found there within 5 years from now”.

Now we do not trust anyone and start our own investigation:

– team lead among crypto tech experts and hackers 

– others in the public domain


Where is the Signal Protocol being used right now? 

Signal, Facebook Messenger, Google Allo, Skype and Whatsapp. 

Why is it that no one believes in the privacy of Facebook and Whatsapp correspondence (at least based on the public privacy agreement), while there is no question about Signal? 


Who started it all?

Moxie Marlinspike and his contribution to messenger encryption.

2010: He founded Whisper Systems together with a programmer and created RedPhone and TextSecure. These were the prototypes of the current Signal.

2011: Twitter buys Whisper Systems, a 2-person company. And Marlinspike became head of information security. 

Elon Musk: intelligence services US had full access to all correspondence on Twitter.

2013: Our hero left Twitter and founded a company called Open Whisper Systems and immediately started receiving huge donations. The company did not disclose the names of its investors.

A minimum of $2,955,000 was given from the Open Technology Fund in 2013-2016, and on the organization’s website it says, that Signal “was originally developed under the funding of OTF”.  

OTF is a project of the US government.

It was created in 2012 as a pilot program of Radio Free Asia (RFA), an asset of the U.S. Global Media Agency (USAGM), which in turn is funded annually by the U.S. Congress to the tune of $944 million. 

Warning! In August 2018, USAGM’s CEO admitted  that the media’s priorities “reflect U.S. national security interests”.

The New York Times described these media outlets as “a worldwide propaganda network created by the CIA”. 

Team lead: WTF!?


Digging further.

2014: Marlinspike announced that it had been working with WhatsApp for six months to implement an end-to-end encryption protocol in its messenger to protect all user messages. 

2014: Signal appears

2018: Moxie Marlinspike and Brian Acton incorporated Signal Messenger LLC. And a short time later, they founded the nonprofit Signal Technology Foundation. The foundation now owns the company and accepts all donations. Secretly, not from OTF.


What else do we know? 

– Signal data interception exploit is confirmed

– Found confirmation that Signal had security problems year after year, BUT it seems to have had backdoors from the beginning

 A paid consultation with crypto experts confirmed that Signal was built with US government funds. So is the Tor browser.

Since at least 2014, the FBI has been closely monitoring behind Tor by evaluating users’ exit nodes (the false IP address that the server sees). Independent tests conducted by Columbia University, showed, that the researchers were able to identify more than 81% of Tor users in real tests.

“Signal and Tor create a false sense of security. It depends on who you’re trying to hide from. If it’s your local police department and you’re using Signal, that’s probably enough. But if you’re involved in some kind of political protest, organizing and challenging government authority at some level, I wouldn’t depend on Signal for that.” – from The Secret Military History of the Internet By Yasha Levine.

Team lead
If you are not paying for the product
You are the product

Trust the exchange of sensitive information De-googled crypto phone with built-in messenger MChat on independent Mactrix OS with three-layer encryption:
– at the operating system level
– at the application level
– at the level of the network stack

View an online presentation of the workflow with a security consultant at

Online Presentation